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suzhou Lindabridal wedding dre

企 业 名 称:suzhou Lindabridal wedding dre

所 属 网 库:苏州服装网库

联 系 人:Linda Wei女士

职 位:销售部门经理

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:w婚纱edding dress 礼服evening dress 花童装flower girl dress 伴娘装bridemaids dress 妈妈装mother dress 舞会装prom dress 礼服 ball gown 孕妇婚纱maternity dress 加大码婚纱plus size gowns

公 司 地 址:中国 江苏 苏州市平江区 虎丘

联 系 电 话:86-0512-6589110

电 子 邮 箱:

邮 政 编 码:215008

公 司 传 真:0086-0512-6589111

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:女士马甲 连衣裙 中裙 童装\婴幼儿服装 服装加工


    苏州 林 达婚纱礼服有限公司,专业生产外贸婚纱礼服等中高档服装。采用进口高档面料,由有多年经验的熟练工人生产加工,可看图加工,根据客户个性化要求定制婚纱礼服,花童装,演出服,舞会服装等。厂家直接销售价格实惠,品质上乘。Lindabridal Wedding Dress is an experienced designer and manufacturer on wedding dress, evening dress, bridesmaid dress, prom dress and party dress, focusing on medium and top grade quality. All our dresses are made of top-grade fabrics imported from abroad and are either embroidered manually or by machine. Thanks to strict production process, our dresses are always popular with clients .We have a team of professional designers, plate-makers, tailors and production workers, dedicating to provide you with better and more satisfactory service. We welcome you to come and discuss cooperation with us, as well as to choose your dream wedding dress and accessories. We not only can provide brides with their favorite wedding dresses which are tailor-made, but also make dresses according to samples or drawings from worldwide customers.If you have any questions please feel free tell me ,this is my email lindabridal@hotmail.com
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  • 标题:半导体 | 内容:半导体制冷材料具有无噪声,无振动,无污染,寿命长,高可贵制冷的效果 | 时间:2016/12/18 21:29:10
  • 标题:半导体 | 内容:半导体制冷材料具有无噪声,无振动,无污染,寿命长,高可贵制冷的效果 | 时间:2016/12/18 21:29:10
  • 标题:半导体 | 内容:半导体制冷材料具有无噪声,无振动,无污染,寿命长,高可贵制冷的效果 | 时间:2016/12/18 21:29:10
评论:suzhou Lindabridal wedding dre (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
1.发布链接广告我们是不会审核通过的. 2.对公司求职应聘的信息请直接联系公司. 3.请不要发布违反法律和道德底线的文字.
网评:suzhou Lindabridal wedding dre坐落于中国 江苏 苏州市平江区 虎丘,主营行业是礼服、婚纱。
  • 标题最多20字,内容最多75字。
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