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企 业 名 称:德尔富服装织造有限公司 MSHWALI GARMENTS W

所 属 网 库:石狮服装网库

联 系 人:张小姐女士

职 位:主管贸易专员

员 工 人 数:101 - 200 人

主 营 产 品:生产各类婴儿服装 儿童服装 女装 衬衫 背心 睡衣 阿拉伯服装 牛仔裤 牛仔套装

公 司 地 址:中国 福建 石狮市 福建省石狮市蚶江镇莲中村29号

联 系 电 话:86-0595-88689331

电 子 邮 箱:

邮 政 编 码:317200

移 动 电 话:13799....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0595-88689930

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:外资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:童装\婴幼儿服装 $catName $catName 其他男上装 库存服装 服装加工


    德尔富服装织造有限公司系也门外商独资企业,座落在环境优美,交通方便的蚶江镇莲中工业区29号。公司成立于2005年,总资产达80万美元。经过多年的探索发展,目前拥有员工200余人,厂房面积约5000平方米,宿舍面积1500平方米,集服饰开发、研究、设计、成品生产、销售于一体,引进国际先进CAD丝绸之路电脑打版等配套设备。公司始终坚持“以技带贸扶工”的企业宗旨,贯彻科技创新,实行科学管理,重用管理人才,给每一位新员工一个良好的发展机会与管理理念,规模不断迅速扩大。在认真探索国际流行趋势的同时,不断研究开发新产品,以满足国际市场特别是中东市场的需要。建立完善的售前、售中和售后服务体系。长期与外商保持良好的业务来往,在激烈的国际市场竞争中有一定的知名度和良好的信誉。 About Us Mshwali Kid's garments Co., Ltd. Our company is located in Han Jiang Town-Shishi City, Fujian Province, which is in an overseas area and enjoys the capital city of garment in china MSHWALI originally deals with kids' garments. However, with nearly 5 years' experience and striving, MSHWALI has expanded its scale now. Our products include various kinds of garments, Girl's & Boy's sets. And our products sell far to Europe, Algeria, Yemen, the Middle East and others African areas. And our annual output is over 600.000 USD. As MshwaliI persists on the fine quality, delicate design, proper price and punctual delivery at all times, our products have been well received by our customers. Besides, we have our own offices established in the early 2000s.our factory cover about 1500 square meter areas and have total workers about 500 people. Besides we especially establish a development center for developing design. The professional production is the insurance of MSHWALI's quality. The punctual delivery and satisfied service is MSHWALI's permanent principle. The pursuit of outstanding is the foundation of MSHWALI's life. With the above moto, we believe there have a great and bright future before us. In order to reach our target, we will persist and try our best to satisfy our customer.
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网评:德尔富服装织造有限公司 MSHWALI GARMENTS W坐落于中国 福建 石狮市 福建省石狮市蚶江镇莲中村29号,主营行业是女套装。
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