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企 业 名 称:八宙外贸服饰制衣(香港)有限公司深圳办事处

所 属 网 库:深圳服装网库

联 系 人:刘先生先生

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:库存出口服装 服装加工 CMT 或 ODM 来料加工 包工包料

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 深圳市 深圳市龙岗区布吉镇中兴路9-10栋6D室

联 系 电 话:86-0755-28888888

电 子 邮 箱:eight.universe@gmail.com

邮 政 编 码:518000

公 司 传 真:86-0755-28535853

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:服饰加工 服饰加工 童装\婴幼儿服装 综合性公司


    Eight Universe Apparel & Accessories Manufacturer (HK) co.,ltd -- established in 2006, that located in Shenzhen China, and have almost 300 workers, The solely proprietary enterprise deals with manufacturing, processing and trading of garment. We mainly export to the U.S.A and Euro market. Having many years experience in this line, the company, based on the high technique and great capacity of exploring,We also have a team of technologists specializing in garment samples. At present, having almost 500 sewing machines and 80,000 pieces month production capacity. The company owns the advanced Japanese sewing equipment, have a team of proficient technologist and management persons with high quality and a set of matured management system and severe quality controlled system for the quality of the production and service from all sides. Products and service: Woven and knit wear, men’s wear, women’s wear, child’s wear, sports wear, T-shirt, polo shirt ,denim products etc. Welcome the ALL cooperations ! 8 Universe Apparel & Accessories Manufacturer (HK) co.,Ltd。 Contact person: Awin Lau Skype: eight.universe MSN: eight.universe@hotmail.com Trade Manager: eightuniverse E-mail: eight.universe@gmail.com; eight.universe@163.com 八宙外贸服饰制衣(香港)有限公司 --早期较主要是以来料加工或包工包料的形式生产外国订单,渐已转型为一家集品牌设计、开发生产、包料或来料加工以及批发销售为一体的专业的以女装生产为主的服装生产厂家。工厂位于深圳和惠洲两地,交通方便;拥有一批技艺精湛的生产队伍.公司主营生产男女装针织衫、T恤、牛仔裤、衬衫等休闲服饰,同时也为国内外商家提供OEM/ODM服务,为服装批发商、服装品牌公司及服装相关企业提供服装设计、打板、放码、排料、工艺单制作、样衣制作、批量服装加工等服务.
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